Monday, September 11, 2006

Introduction to my Initial Preparations

The subsequent posts contain an account of the logistical work completed during the initial preparation phase of my study plan. Much of this period has been spent developing an itinerary that comprises of experiences that will provide insight into the history I hope to share with my future students. During this time I have also had to procure the necessary equipment to carry out these investigations, and figure out how best to transport it all. Those who know me will perhaps at first be surprised by what would appear a lapse from my normally narrow subscription to the monetary system. To this I will only state that each purchase contributes in some way to the efficacy with which I am able share what I gain from this trip with my students, and each is in keeping with my own notions of value and cost as they apply to me and others. Regarding consumption, I remain as conscientious and/or as cheap an individual as ever, depending on how one looks at it.

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