Monday, September 11, 2006

Computer Solutions

Next I had to consider how I was going to write while on the road. My laptop looked like it had already survived a lot; it was covered with scratches and missing a shift key. It had endured almost constant use in a high school classroom and been jostled home and back for two years straight. My alternative was a personal digital assistant donated to the cause by my father. It was seven years old - ancient by today’s timeline of obsoleteness. However, the PDA was simple, light weight, no bigger than a small book, it loaded up at the push of a button and it has a battery life of 14 hours. Its drawback was that it was basically only good for word processing, and even that it did on a scaled down version of Microsoft Word that can apparently only be opened by some computers and even then seemed to work only about half of the time. In addition I wouldn’t be able to do anything else on it that might prove useful, like upload pictures or use the internet. My laptop could do all these things, but it could only be used while plugged in, and was too cumbersome to take out in most of the situations I envisioned using it anyway. As illogical as it sounds I finally came to the conclusion that taking both would be the best option. I could use the laptop and all of its features when I was in a secure place with a constant power supply. When I just needed to jot down a quick paragraph, or when there was no power in sight, I could use the PDA. As an added bonus, either one could break and I would still have the other to get by with.

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